Praktyka w barze w USA
Informujemy, że nadal prowadzimy zapisy Uczestników do Programu „Work and Travel USA” 2020, oferując Wam atrakcyjne oferty pracy w USA od pracodawców podanych w poniższej tabeli – zapraszamy do naszych biur.
U nas nie musicie czekać na otrzymanie oferty pracy do kwietnia lub maja – wystarczy napisać do nas, podpisać umowę na udział w programie i umówić się na rozmowę kwalifikacyjną w jęz. angielskim, po przeprowadzeniu, której przedstawimy Wam odpowiednią ofertę pracy w USA (uwzględniając oczywiście Wasze preferencje, jeśli będziecie spełniali warunki postawione przez pracodawcę). W większości przypadków oferta zostanie przedstawiona w przeciągu 1 tygodnia.
Oczywiście ilość ofert pracy jest ograniczona, ale oprócz ofert podanych w poniższej tabeli, cały czas otrzymujemy dla naszych Uczestników nowe oferty pracy w USA – warto jednak zdecydować się jak najszybciej ze względu na nowe, bardziej czasochłonne procedury wizowe w Ambasadzie USA.
Location: Wisconsin (Milwaukee)
Positions: Servers
Salary range: $7.50
Bonus: none
Working dates: mid June to mid October
Housing: Free, $100 deposit. Must bring linen and other essentials.
Info: No long hair, visible tattoos, piercings
Location: Virginia (Woodbridge)
Positions: Lifeguards
Salary range: $6/h
Bonus: none
Working dates: July 1st until Labor day min.
Housing: $50/month, $200 deposit
Info: Applicants must go through CPR, First Aid, lifeguarding, pool operations training.
Location: Pennsylvania (Export)
Positions: Golf Course Maintance
Salary range: $6/h
Bonus: none
Working dates: mid June to mid October
Housing: Free furnished housing, within walking distance from work
Info: The employees will take care of the courses: mow, clean, pick up golf balls etc. Additional work may be available.
Location: Wisconsin (Wisconsin Dells)
Positions: Gift shop, Kitchen workers, Dishwashers, Dining Room Assistants
Salary range: all positions $6.50/h, dishwasher: $6.50-7/h
Bonus: Meal plan available for $3.50/day.
Working dates: mid June to mid October
Housing: $60/week. Fridges, microwaves in rooms. Less than 2 miles from work. Bikes available. Deposit of $120.
Info: You should bring tennis shoes, clean cut jeans, navy (black) blue trousers, plaid shirts.
Location: Wisconsin (Wisconsin Dells)
Positions: Kitchen, Front Cashier
Salary range: $7.50/h
Bonus: meals are provided at no charge
Working dates: mid June to end Sept.
Housing: BTC will help locate or give contacts
Info: Long hours can be given to those who work all shifts.
Location: Wisconsin (Wisconsin Dells)
Positions: Housekeepers
Salary range: $6.75
Bonus: meals are provided at no charge while working (at the resort restaurant)
Working dates: mid June to end of September
Housing: BTC will help locate or give contacts
Info: Employees will work generally between 6am- and 4pm, this enables to get a second job.
Location: Maine (Portland)
Positions: Housekeepers
Salary range: $8/h
Bonus: Attendance bonus – $0,50/hr. 15% meal discount.
Working dates: mid June to mid October
Housing: $85/week, on hotel premises.
Info: must be flexible about working shifts
Location: Maine (Catabunk)
Positions: Food Service, Housekeeping
Salary range: $7.25/h
Bonus: $0.50/h for every hour worked if you complete contract
Working dates: mid June to mid September
Housing: $50/week, dormitory style
Info: remote location, located 2 hours from Bangor or Portland Maine and 4.5 hours from Boston
Location: Colorado (Colorado Springs)
Positions: Housekeepers, Cooks, Dishwashers, Mowers, Server
Salary range: $7.50- 9/h, $4/h tipped positions
Bonus: Free meal per shift plus discounts at hotel
Working dates: 7-15 June to 7-15 October
Housing: will give contact approx. $60/week
Info: Students should bring towels and other personal things.
Location: Colorado (Colorado Springs)
Positions: Housekeepers, Banquet Servers, Stewards, Room service
Salary range: $8/h, tipped positions $3/h
Bonus: Meals $1
Working dates: mid June to mid October
Housing: Employer will help locate; around $60-65/week.
Location: New York (Lake George)
Positions: New York (Lake George)
Salary range: $5.45, above 40h: $8.18/h
Bonus: Discounts at restaurants and free admission
Working dates: as early as possible, but will adjust
Housing: $50/week with a one time $75 administ. fee
Info: No experience necessary, will train.
Location: New York City
Positions: delivery personnel
Salary range: $150 per week plus tips
Bonus: none
Working dates: mid June to mid October
Housing: Must find on your own
Info: Fast paced workplace.
Location: New Jersey (Atlantic City)
Positions: Rolling chair transportation on boardwalk (like taxi)
Salary range: You earn from rides. What you get is yours. Your fee is rent for the chair: $150/week. Depending on how much you work, you can earn from $300-500/week.Bonus: none
Bonus: none
Working dates: June 1-30 to October 1-19
Housing: Must find on your own or BTC will assist. There is plenty of housing in the area, especially if you arrive early.
Info: This can be either a full time job or part-time, you set up your hours.
Location: New Jersey (Atlantic City)
Positions: licensed and non licensed (Cashiers, Hosts, Servers, Housekeepers, Representatives etc.)
Salary range: $6.86-10/h, tipped positions-$2.38
Bonus: none
Working dates: 4 months, the earlier you come the better
Housing: $50/week, dormitory styleMust find on your own or BTC will assist.
Info: Some jobs require either a $60 or $350 license which must be paid for upon arrival. You wait from 4- 14 days for it. Before employment is guaranteed you must pass an interview on site, a background check and drug test.
Location: Wisconsin (Wisconsin Dells)
Positions: Lifeguards
Salary range: $7.00/h
Bonus: Meals provided at discount prices while working.
Working dates: early June to end pf September
Housing: BTC will help locate or give contacts
Location: New York (Long Lake)
Positions: Hospitality duty
Salary range: $6.50/h
Bonus: none
Working dates: June 1-15 to October 1-15
Housing: It is free unless you find an additional job. Then you pay $25/week.
Info: It is a remote area, employee should like outdoors. It is a very nice area for a vacation. It is reccommended to get a vehicle.
Location: Maryland (Ocean City)
Positions: Front Desk/Reservations, Buffet Servers, Kitchen, Housekeepers, Laundry
Salary range: $6.50/h, tipped positions-$2.35
Bonus: meals for $2 each and $10 bonus for each week worked if you keep contract dates
Working dates: different depending on position, either early in June or by June 25. Desire for students to stay until October 19
Housing: $40/week, no deposit; 4 people/room, not co-ed
Info: Students should bring bedding.
Location: Boston MA, Minneapolis MN, Wisconsin Dells WI, Seattle WA, Baltimore area/DC, CA (all metropolitan areas)
Positions: Photo taking and sales.
Salary range: $8/h
Bonus: commission is available for people who have high sales.
Working dates: May 25 to June 1 – September 5
Housing: None, but is easy to find. Should look into it before arriving.
Info: Outgoing and not shy people are needed. Taking photos and then selling them to the same people.
Wcześniejsze informacje
Sprawdzone i pewne propozycje największych amerykańskich pracodawców
Już po raz 6-ty odbędą się w Polsce Targi Pracy „JOB FAIR 2019” – do tej pory ponad 7000 polskich uczestników Programu „WORK AND TRAVEL USA” podpisało umowy z ponad 25 różnymi pracodawcami z USA, zatrudniającymi pracowników sezonowych.
Osobom zapisanym do Programu w naszym biurze udostępniamy kontakt do byłych uczestników Programu, którzy pracowali u pracodawców uczestniczących w Targach.
Zapiszcie się jak najszybciej do Programu „WORK AND TRAVEL USA” w biurze BTC – będziecie mieli możliwość wyboru dnia i godziny uczestnictwa w Targach Pracy w pierwszej kolejności.
Jeśli chcecie jechać do USA grupą znajomych, to uczestnictwo w Targach Pracy daje niemal 100 % gwarancję podpisania umowy z tym samym pracodawcą nawet dla 10 osób.
Liczba osób mogących uczestniczyć w „JOB FAIR 2019” jest ograniczona.
Podpisując umowę z pracodawcą z Targów Pracy nie ma możliwości dowolnej zmiany pracodawcy – w przypadku problemów z pracą lub pracodawcą (np. zbyt mała ilość godzin pracy) indywidualne sprawy będą rozpatrywane przez COUNCIL. Oczywiście można podjąć równolegle drugą lub nawet trzecią pracę dodatkową, nie kolidującą z pierwotnie wybraną pracą.